Sunday, August 5, 2012

Oracles: Donald N. Thompson

Oracles: How Prediction Markets Turn Employees into VisionariesDonald N. Thompson978-1422183175

I just finished reading this book today. It wasa nice read and it was encouraging to learn that so many people are still interested in PMs. It wasn't a great book though. It mostly file under prediction markets are fab. I didn't think there was much in terms of detail or analysis.

Got a few people and companies to follow up on. But I din't think I'll need to come back to it.

It got me thinking about what kinds of things I wanted in it that weren't there.

Some thought on why and how markets work

Some thought on why they don't 

Someone needs to explain the maths to me

The are different kinds of markets and different ways of expressing odds (largely cultural)

The Picard paradox needs to be thought about more and developed

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